Citizen Zero

Citizen Zero, 2023

Citizen Zero: A Glitch in the System (My Latest NFT)

“Citizen Zero” isn’t just an NFT – it’s a glitch in the system. This isn’t your typical communist poster boy. Sure, he’s got the steely gaze and the uniform, but there’s a flicker behind his eyes, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. He’s both soldier and worker, a paradox in a world that demands conformity. The white grid behind him – is it a cage, a control panel, or maybe a window to something beyond? That’s the beauty of this piece – it’s yours to interpret.

Why Citizen Zero? Because sometimes, the designated “hero” needs a closer look. Is blind loyalty a virtue, or a weakness? What happens when the cog in the machine starts to question its purpose? “Citizen Zero” isn’t a condemnation, it’s a conversation starter. It’s about the human spirit pushing back against the constraints of a system, about the flicker of individuality in a world built on uniformity.

The Colors Tell a Story: This isn’t a world painted in black and white. The reds and oranges burn with the fervor of dedication, the blues and greens whisper of unwavering resolve. But there’s a discordance here too, a clash of purpose that reflects the inner conflict of the figure. Is he a true believer, or a man playing a part?

Owning More Than an Image: When you own “Citizen Zero,” you’re not just getting a piece of art. You’re joining a conversation about power, duty, and the human spirit struggling against the tide. It’s a conversation that’s as relevant today as ever. So, what are you waiting for? Join the glitch. Let’s break the grid together.